Africa Business
Are you facing the challenge to considerably develop your business and increase your profitability in the emerging and
rapidly expanding African markets?
Are you considering seizing promising and valuable business opportunities in Africa but don't have the appropriate
business development facilities?
Innovation and New Product Development
Are you figuring out how to leverage your information systems and e-services through innovation; for example by using of
innovative software technologies and proven Artificial Intelligence methods?
Do you wish to innovate and develop new products by transferring promising technologies out-of-the lab into the marketplace?
Do you face the challenge to optimize your business processes, do better knowledge management, or strengthen your software
product portfolio through smart solutions?
Software Consulting
Are you facing the challenge to increase your software process maturity and streamline your development organization to more
effectiveness and customer-centered agility?
Do you need hands-on consulting and expert support to make your project a success? For example through project and team
management, coaching throughout all phases of the software lifecycle - tools, methodology, process.
If your answer to one of the above questions is 'yes', don't hesitate to contact us.
You will value our expertise and track record in providing high-impact consulting for successful Africa Business at the
one hand, and for Innovation and New Product Development at the other hand.
We are problem-solvers and advisors with expertise and passion in helping our clients succeed in their business.